Posts Tagged ‘ Dark ’

Media Video Work – Sound and Location

Within our film, features like sound and location are essential parts in making an authentic thriller feel for the audience. Sometimes it is these small ingredients that make a film stand out from the rest. For example ‘Psyco’ (Alfred Hitchcock) sent a chilling message to it’s audience with the still renowned screeching of violins when the main character is brutally murdered through a shower curtain; and the typical American motel which is disturbingly polished compared to the crooked house on the hill.

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The Dark Knight (2008) Opening Scene Analysis

The Dark Knight (2008) Opening Scene Analysis

‘The Dark Knight’ is most renowned for its dark vigilance and award winning script, ‘The Dark Knight’ is a successor to the other award winning ‘Batman Begins’, which introduced the entirely new dark theme to the batman series created in Christopher Nolan’s deep minded head. ‘The Dark Knight’ was voted the best movie of 2008 and the opening scene sets out one of the most economic and effective character introductions ever, that will also explain the main genre, characterisation and narrative in the movie. Continue reading